Eclectica³ {Emma Godfrey} 04

Stock Status: In Stock
A5 Rubber Sheet (5" x 7") presented in hanging bag, with laminated index sheet. Each image individually machine trimmed on EZ mount cling foam. Designed by Emma Godfrey for Feb 2015. Emma very much has journalling, daily scrap-booking ideas in mind with these stamps. Filling a real gap in the market, as there is not a lot of UK based products in this vein available.

Emma Godfrey has a background in scrapbooking. Many of her A5 stamps sets and mini stamps are suitable for Scrapbooking, Micro Journalling, Bullet Journalling and notebook art. But they also are designed to be versatile for card-making and mixed media. Emma has a clean and simple style. You will also find both regular and and mini size stencils designed by Emma. The samller of which are wonderful on small gel-printing plates.

These stamps are designed exclusively for PaperArtsy SARL by Emma Godfrey

Here at PaperArtsy we manufacture on site deeply etched red rubber stamps, stencils, paints and infusions. Stamps are individually trimmed ready for use with an acrylic block and presented on EZ mount (cling) foam with a laminated index sheet which provides a useful storage solution.

Manufactured from start to finish at PaperArtsy HQ, France.

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