Deposit - Seth Apter ArtsyCrafts

Stock Status: Sold Out

To get in the booking queue, for a place on the ArtsyCrafts retreat with Seth Apter in France at PaperArtsy HQ, you need to pay this DEPOSIT of 500 EURO

We have limited places available at the accommodation next door to PaperArtsy. From 8-16 people could be on site depending on the package people prefer to book, and if they are coming alone of with someone. So its a little bit of a puzzle allocating rooms, and so that is why we are only taking a deposit at this stage. 

Please refer to the Event Information Pack for the full details of the event.

Package One  includes: accommodation, day trips, all group evening & class-time meals, art classes and art supplies. For a Single Crafter Occupant in a bedroom €3000.00; for 2-3 Crafting Occupants sharing a bedroom €2,700.00 (price per person); for additional guest (non-crafter) sharing bedroom €1,800.00 (guest is included on all outings and evening meals). Not included: flights/travel to Bergerac, travel insurance, some outing lunches.

Package Two includes: same as package one, but NOT the accomodation. Day trips, group evening & class time meals, art classes and art supplies are included. This package requires you to book your own accomodation nearby. For a Single Crafter €2000.00; Additional guest (non-crafter) €800.00 (guest is included on all outings and shared evening meals)

To apply for a place on the retreat, you first need to read all the event information, and then fill out the event application questionnaire. This will let us know more about you and your personal preferences, such as if you will come with another crafty (or non-crafty) friend, your dietary and accommodation choices and so on.

Download the event info pack and the booking questionnaire here, and email it to

We have prepared a LOT of information to share with you about the retreat. You can find the Event Information Pack here, and you should join our ArtsyCrafts Retreats Facebook Group where all the information is also accessible from the files section and pinned to the 'featured posts' area of the group.

Successful applicants will be invoiced in February for the balance of the retreat, based on the type of package, surcharges and payment plan chosen.

To watch Seth Apter and Leandra from PaperArtsy explain more about this event in a Facebook Live presentation, you can see the replay HERE.

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