ArtsyCrafts Retreat
We are opening the doors of PaperArtsy HQ, to invite you to 8 days of creativity and incredible exploration of PaperArtsy life in France.
This event includes 4 fabulous days of making art with Seth Apter, with all class materials provided!
Living in this stunning corner of rural France, we cannot wait to show you some of the picturesque historic villages nearby; take you to wander around a farmers produce market (the cheeses are not to be missed!), or perhaps you'd like to rummage in a Brocante for vintage treasures?
One of our favourite nights of the year is the Fête de la Musique. Villages across France have multiple musical acts to discover as you explore the streets and toe-tap your way around town for this annual solstice celebration.
Naturally, we will be sharing delicious meals with you here at PAHQ featuring food and wines of the region, plus daily wind-down apero every evening beside the pool. If you choose to stay in the accomodation we have arranged for you, you will love the 3 beautiful 'gites' (holiday homes), that offer a range of rooms, heated swimming pool & summer kitchen, tennis court, all next door to PaperArtsy HQ.
Our event with Seth Apter for June 2025 has sold out, but if you would lke to be on the wait list, please email us at and you might like to join our new facebook group ArtsyCrafts Retreats where we will keep followers informaed about all future retreats.
Seth and Leandra did a live explanation of what we are planning, click to watch.